『中文版』HoneyCare 的隱私權政策旨在說明 HoneyCare 如何收集、使用和共 用您的個人資料。
2022 年9 月 18日更新 除了本隱私權政策外,若我們的產品及特定功能要求使用您的個人資訊,則我們也會在當中提供資料與隱私權相關資訊。此類產品特定資訊會附有我們的「資料 與隱私權」圖像。在使用這些功能之前,您將有機會檢視其產品特定資訊。 請花些時間閱讀以下章節以詳細了解我們的隱私權措施,如有任何問題,敬請不吝告知。
對HoneyCare 而言,什麼是個人資料?
HoneyCare 認同基本隱私權的價值──而且這些基本權利不應因您住在哪裡而 有所不同。因此,若資料與已識別或可識別的個人有關,或 HoneyCare 已將或可將該資料連結至該個人,則無論個人居住在何處,我們都會將該資料視為「個人資料」。 這表示可直接識別您的資料 (例如您的姓名) 為個人資料,而不能直接識別您的身分,但可以合理地用以識別您的資料 (例如裝置序號) 亦為個人資料。本隱私權政策將彙總資料視為非個人資料。
本隱私權政策說明了 HoneyCare 或 HoneyCare 關係企業 (統稱「HoneyCare」) 處理個人資料的方式,不論您是在我們的網站上、透過 HoneyCare app (如 HoneyCare MyGuardian) 或親自 (包括透過電 話) 與我們互動。HoneyCare 亦可能在我們的服務中連結我們的 App Store 中供您下載 app。
您在 HoneyCare 的隱私權
HoneyCare 尊重您了解、存取、更正、移轉、限制處理及刪除您的個人資料的權利。我們已向我們的全球客戶群提供這些權利,若您選擇行使這些隱私權,則您有權不受歧視,以及不獲得 HoneyCare 較低程度的服務。HoneyCare不會出售您的資料。
在某些情況下,我們可能無法准許您的要求,例如您要求我們刪除您的交易資料, 但 HoneyCare 依法有保留該交易記錄的義務時。若您的要求會損及我們基於反詐欺和安全目的對資料的合法使 用,例如您要求刪除因安全問題正在接受調查的帳號,則我們也可能予以拒絕。您的隱私權要求若損害他人的隱私權、荒誕或無理,或極其不切實際,也可能遭到拒絕。
HoneyCare 從您收集的個人資料
HoneyCare 相信,您可以同時擁有優良的產品和有保障的隱私權,因此我們會努力只收集我們需要的個人資料。
HoneyCare 收集的個人資料取決於您與 HoneyCare 互動的方式。
您在購買產品及/或啟用產品或裝置、下載軟體更新、 連結我們的服務、聯絡我們 (包括透過社群媒體)、參與線上問卷調查或與 HoneyCare 進行互動時,我們即可能收集各種資訊,包括:
¨ 帳號資訊:您的 HoneyCare ID 和相關帳號的詳細資訊,包括電子郵件地址、註冊的裝置、帳號狀態和年齡。
¨ 裝置資訊:可識別裝置的資料,例如裝置序號,或關於裝置的資料,例如瀏覽器類型。
¨ 聯絡資訊:姓名、電子郵件地址、實際地址、電話號碼等資料或其他聯絡資訊。
¨ 付款資訊:關於您的帳單郵寄地址和付款方式的資料,例如銀行詳細資訊、信用卡、簽帳卡或其他付款卡資訊。
¨ 交易資訊:購買 HoneyCare 產品與服務或 HoneyCare 推出之交易的資料,包括在 HoneyCare 平台上的購買。
¨ 詐騙防範資訊:有助於識別和防範詐欺的資料,包括裝置信任度得分。
¨ 使用情形資料:您在我們產品上的活動,以及產品使用情形的資料,例如我 們服務中的 app 啟動,包括瀏覽記錄、搜尋記錄、產品互動、損毀資料、效能和其他診斷資料、其他使用情形資料。
¨ 位置資訊:精確位置 (僅用以支援「尋找」功能) 以及大略位置
¨ 健康資訊:個人健康狀況的相關資料,包括與個人身體或精神健康或狀況有關的資料。個人健康資料亦包 括可用以推論或偵測個人健康狀況的資料。若您使用 HoneyCare 健康研究 app 參加調查。
¨ 健身資訊:您的健身和運動詳細資訊 (若您選擇分享)數情況下可能會要求您 提供政府核發的國⺠身分證明文件,包括設定無線帳號與啟用您的裝置。
¨ 您向我們提供的其他資訊:如您與 HoneyCare 的通訊內容等詳細資訊,包括客服人員的互動以及透過社交媒體頻道的聯絡。您無義務提供我們要求的個人資料。但若您選擇不提供,則許多時候,我們將無 法為您提供我們的產品或服務,或無法回應您的要求。
HoneyCare 或自其他來源的個人資料
HoneyCare 可能會由其他個人、根據您的指示代表您行事的企業或第三方、與我 們合作提供我們的產品和服務及 協助我們從事安全和詐騙防範工作的合作夥伴,以及其他合法來源取得您的個人資料。我們得為了研發之目的而使用資料集,例如包含影像、聲音或其他可能與可識別之人員相關聯的資料。取得這類資料集時,我們會遵守適用之法律,包括存放此等資料集的司法管轄區內。 基於研發目的而使用此等資料集時,我們不會試圖再次識別可能出現在資料集中的個人。
HoneyCare 對個人資料的使用
HoneyCare 會使用個人資料來加強我們的服務、處理您的交易、與您通訊、保護 安全和防範詐騙並遵守法律。若 得到您的同意,我們亦可能將個人資料用於其他用途。
¨ HoneyCare 只會在有充分法律依據的情況下使用您的個人資料。視情況而定, HoneyCare 的法律依據可能包括您的同意,或因處理資料實為履行與您的契約、保護您或他人的切身利益或遵守法律之所需。若我們認為處理您的個人資料符合我們或他人的合法權益,則我們也可能在考量您的利益、權利和期望下加以處理。若您對法律依據有所疑問,可透過 www.honeycaretech.com.tw/contact_us 聯絡資料保護人員 (Data Protection Officer)。
¨ 加強我們的服務:HoneyCare 會收集必要的個人資料來加強我們的服務,其中可能包括為改善我們的產品、為稽核或資料分析等內部目的,或為疑難排解而收集的個人資料。
¨ 處理您的交易:為處理交易,HoneyCare 必須收集您的姓名、購買內容和付款資訊等資料。
¨ 與您通訊:為回應通訊、就您的交易或帳號事宜與您聯絡、行銷我們的產品和服務、提供其他相關資訊, 或是索取資訊或詢問意見反映。我們可能不時使用個人資料以寄送重要通知,例如有關購買以及條款、條件和政策變更的通知。由於此通知訊息對您與 HoneyCare 的互動至關重要,您 無法取消接收此類重要通知。
¨ 安全和詐騙防範:為保護個人、員工和 HoneyCare,避免損失,防範詐騙,包括為維護全體使用者利益而保護個人、員工和 HoneyCare,以及預先篩選或掃描上傳的內容,防止可能的非法內 容,包括兒童性剝削材料。
¨ 遵守法律:為遵守適用法律,例如履行納稅或申報義務,或是遵守合法的政 府要求。
HoneyCare 不會不經人工審查而使用演算法或資料剖析來做成任何對您有重大 影響的決定。HoneyCare 只會在達成收集目的 (包括本隱私權政策或服務特定隱私權聲明所述目的,或是根據法律要求) 所必要的範圍內保留個人資料。我們將基於履行本隱私權政策的目的,以及為滿足我們特定服務的隱私權摘要中所 述之必要期間而保留您的個人資料。評估保留期間之時,我們會先仔細檢視是否有必要保留收集到的個人資料;若需要保留,我們會盡力在法律允許的範圍內使個人資料的保留期間縮到最短。
HoneyCare 對個人資料的共用
HoneyCare 可能會與 HoneyCare 關係企業、代表我們行事的服務供應商、我們 的合作夥伴、開發人員和發行者或其他 您指定之人共用個人資料。此外,HoneyCare 不會基於第三方的行銷目的而與第三方共用個人資料。
¨ 服務供應商:HoneyCare 可能會委託第三方擔任我們的服務供應商,代表我 們執行某些任務,例如處理或儲存涉及您使用我們的服務以及向客戶交付產品的資料,包括個人資料。HoneyCare 的服務供應商有義務依照本隱私權政策以及我們的指示處理個人資料,不得私自利用我們共用的個人資料,且完成我們的要求後必須刪除或返還個人資料。
¨ 合作夥伴:有時,HoneyCare 可能會與第三方合作提供服務或其他產品。 HoneyCare 會要求合作夥伴保護您的個人資料。
¨ 其他:HoneyCare 可能會根據您的指示或在您同意下與他人共用個人資料,例如與電信業者共用資訊以啟用您的帳號。我們也可能基於國家安全、執法或其他重要公共議題,在判定為必要及適當的情況下,揭露您的個人資訊。我們亦可能為執行本公司的條款和條件或保障本公司的營運或使用者, 或因重整、合併或出售,在於法有據且判定為合理必要時,揭露您的相關資訊。
HoneyCare 的個人資料保護
HoneyCare 認為,高度的隱私有賴於高度的安全性。我們會考量個人資料和處理的性質以及造成的威脅,透過管 理、技術和物理保障措施來保護您的個人資料。我們致力於改善此類保護措施,以保護個人資料的安全。如需詳細資訊,請參見我們的 HoneyCare 平台安全性指南。
Cookie 及其他技術
HoneyCare 網站、線上服務、互動應用程式及廣告可能使用「Cookie」及其他技術,例如網路信標。這類技術可 協助我們更充分了解使用者行為,包括為安全和詐騙防範目的,告訴我們使用者 曾瀏覽過網站的哪些部分, 並可促進及衡量廣告與網路搜尋的效益。
¨ 通訊 Cookie:此類 Cookie 是用以啟用與 HoneyCare 系統間的網路流量,
¨ 包括幫助我們偵測錯誤。絕對必要 Cookie:此類 Cookie 為提供您存取或要求的特定功能或服務所需。例如您在 HoneyCare.com 線上購 物時,其可供我們以正確的格式和語言顯示我們的網站、驗證並確認您的交易,並保留您的購物袋內容。
¨ 其他 Cookie:此類 Cookie 是用以了解訪客如何與我們的網站和線上服務互 動,包括協助我們評估廣告和網路搜尋的效益。HoneyCare 也會使用這些 Cookie 來記住您在瀏覽時所做的選擇,以便為您提供量身打造的體驗。若您希望 HoneyCare 不要使用 Cookie,我們可提供停用 Cookie 的方法。若要停用 Cookie,而且您使用的是Safari 網路瀏覽器,請在 Safari 的隱私權設定中選擇「封鎖所有 Cookie」。 若您使用其他瀏覽器,請向您的供應商詢問如何停用 Cookie。若停用所有 Cookie,HoneyCare 網站有某些功能可能無法使用。除了 Cookie 之外,HoneyCare 也會使用其他技術來協助我們實現類似的目標。 在 HoneyCare 的電子郵件中,有些會提供可連結至 HoneyCare 網站內容的「點選連結 URL」。您按下這類 URL 時, 會先通過獨立的網頁伺服器,然後到達我們網站的目的地網頁。我們會追蹤這類 點選連結資料,協助判定使 用者對特定主題的關注程度,並衡量我們與您溝通的效益。若您不希望受到這種方式的追蹤,請勿按下電子 郵件訊息的圖片或文字連結。
HoneyCare 通常會將透過 Cookie 與類似技術收集的資訊視為非個人資訊。然而, 若當地法律將網際網路通訊協定 (IP) 位址或其他類似的身分識別資料認定為個人資料,則我們在這些地區亦將其視為個人資料。此外,HoneyCare 有時會將透過此類技術收集的非個人資料與 HoneyCare 擁有的其他 個人資料合併在一起。以這種方式合併 資料時,我們會將合併的資料視為本隱私權政策所稱的個人資料。
HoneyCare 產品和方案可以連結您與全世界。如要使用該功能,全球的實體 (包 括 HoneyCare 相關企業) 可能會傳送或 存取您的個人資訊,以執行如本隱私權政策所述與您使用我們產品和服務相關的 處理活動。HoneyCare 會遵守國 家或地區之間就個人資料傳輸的法規,以確保無論您在哪裡,資料都會受到保護。
為了確保您的個人資料安全無虞,我們會向 HoneyCare 員工傳達公司的隱私權 和安全準則,並在公司內部嚴格執
HoneyCare 會嚴正看待您的隱私權問題,指派專門團隊處理您的詢問,以確定如何妥善地回答您的問題或疑慮,包括回應存取或下載要求的問題。在大多數情況下,所有主要聯絡人會在 7 天內收到回覆。但有時我們可能需要其他資訊,或告知我們需要更多時間來回應。若您的申訴指出我們處理隱私權問題的方式尚有改進空間,我們會在下一次有合 理機會時採取行動做出改進。若您或他人因隱私權問題而受到負面影響,我們會採取行動與您或該他人共同處理該情況。若您對 HoneyCare 的回應不滿意,可以向管轄監管機關申訴。若您提出要求,我們將依照您的個人情況,致力提供可能適用的申訴管道相關資訊。若本隱私權政策有重大變更,我們會至少提前一週在本網站上發布通知,若我們有您的資料,會直接與您聯絡告知相關事宜。
HoneyCare Privacy Policy [English Version]
HoneyCare's Privacy Policy describes how HoneyCare collects, uses and shares your personal data.
Updated September 18, 2022
In addition to this Privacy Policy, if our products and certain features require the use of your personal information, we will also provide data and privacy-related information therein. Such product-specific information will be accompanied by our "Data and Privacy" image.
Before using these features, you will have the opportunity to review their product-specific information.
Please take the time to read the following sections to learn more about our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.
What is Personal Data to HoneyCare?
HoneyCare recognizes the value of fundamental privacy rights—and these fundamental rights should not differ based on where you live. Therefore, if the information is related to the identified
or an identifiable individual, or HoneyCare has linked or can link that information to that individual, we will use that information regardless of where the individual lives.
data is considered "personal data". This means that information that directly identifies you (such as your name) is personal information, but does not directly identify you, However, information that can reasonably be used to identify you (such as your device serial number) is also personal information. This Privacy Policy treats aggregated data as non-personal data.
This Privacy Policy describes how HoneyCare or HoneyCare affiliates (collectively, "HoneyCare") process personal data, regardless of whether you are on our website.
Interact with us on site, through HoneyCare apps (such as HoneyCare MyGuardian) or in person (including over the phone)
verb: move. HoneyCare may also link our App Store to our Services for you to download apps.
Your Privacy Rights at HoneyCare
HoneyCare respects your rights to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict processing and delete your personal data. We have delivered to our global customer base. These rights are provided, and if you choose to exercise these privacy rights, you have the right not to be discriminated against and not to receive a lesser degree of HoneyCare's services.
Your data will not be sold.
In some cases, we may not be able to grant your request, such as your request that we delete your transaction data, but HoneyCare legally retains the transaction. When the obligation is easy to record. If your request would prejudice our lawful use of the data for anti-fraud and security purposes, such as your request to delete account whose issue is under investigation, we may also reject it. if your privacy request compromises the privacy rights of others, is absurd, or unreasonable, or extremely impractical and may also be rejected.
Personal data HoneyCare collects from you
HoneyCare believes that you can have a great product and guaranteed privacy, at the same time, so we strive to collect only the personal data we need. The personal data HoneyCare collects depends on how you interact with HoneyCare. You are purchasing a product and/or enabling a product or device, downloading software updates. When you connect to our Services, contact us (including through social media), participate in online surveys, or interact with HoneyCare, we can variety of information can be collected, including:
¨ Account Information. Your HoneyCare ID and associated account details, including email address, registered devices, account status and age.
¨ Device Information: Data that can identify the device, such as the device serial number, or information about the device, such as the browser type.
¨ Contact information: information such as name, email address, physical address, phone number or other contact information.
¨ Payment Information: Information about your billing address and payment method, such as bank details, credit card, charge card or other payment card News.
¨ Transaction Information: Information on purchases of HoneyCare products and services or transactions offered by HoneyCare, including purchases on the HoneyCare platform.
¨ Fraud Prevention Information: Information to help identify and prevent fraud, including device trust scores.
¨ Usage data: your activity on our products, and product usage data, such as app launches on our Services, including browsing records; search records; product interactions; crash data, performance and other diagnostic data; other usage data.
¨ Location information: precise location (only to support the "find" function) and approximate location.
¨ Health Information: Information about an individual's health condition, including information related to an individual's physical or mental health or condition. Personal health information is also included data that can be used to infer or detect an individual's health status. If you took a survey using the HoneyCare Health Research app.
¨ Fitness information: Your fitness and exercise details (if you choose to share) may in some cases require you to provide government-issued proof of national identity, including setting up a wireless account and enabling your device.
¨ Other information you provide to us: details such as the content of your communications with HoneyCare, including interactions with customer service.
¨ Agents and contacts through social media channels:You are under no obligation to provide the personal data we request. However, if you choose not to provide, in many cases, we will not be able to provide you with our products or service, or unable to respond to your request.
Personal data obtained by HoneyCare from other sources
HoneyCare may have other individuals, businesses or third parties acting on your behalf at your instructions, cooperate with us to provide our products and services and to assist our partners in security and fraud prevention efforts, and other lawful sources to obtain your personal data.
We may use data sets for research and development purposes, such as containing images, sounds or other data that may be associated with an identifiable person. When collecting such datasets, we will comply with applicable laws, including the jurisdictions in which such datasets are stored. Use of such resources for research and development purposes. When a dataset is created, we will not attempt to re-identify individuals who may appear in the dataset.
HoneyCare's use of personal data
HoneyCare uses personal data to enhance our services, process your transactions, communicate with you, protect security and prevent fraud and comply with the law. Like with your consent, we may also use personal data for other purposes. HoneyCare will only use your personal data when there is a strong legal basis. Depending on the circumstances, HoneyCare's legal basis may include your or because the processing is necessary to perform a contract with you, protect your vital interests or those of others, or comply with the law. If we believe that processing your
If the personal data is in our legitimate interests or that of others, we may also process it having regard to your interests, rights and expectations. If you are concerned about the law. In case of doubt, the Data Protection Officer can be contacted at www.honeycaretech.com.tw/contact_us
¨ To enhance our services: HoneyCare collects the necessary personal data to enhance our services, which may include improving our products, providing Personal data collected for internal purposes such as auditing or data analysis, or for troubleshooting purposes. For example, if you want to access through a HoneyCare Music subscription songs, we will collect information about the songs you play in order to provide you with the content you request and to calculate royalties.
¨ To process your transaction: In order to process a transaction, HoneyCare must collect information such as your name, purchases and payment information.
¨ To communicate with you: to respond to communications, to contact you about your transactions or account matters, to market our products and services, to provide other relevant information, or ask for information or ask for feedback. From time to time we may use personal data to send important notices, such as about purchases and terms and conditions, documents and notices of policy changes. Because this notification message is critical to your interaction with HoneyCare, you cannot opt out of receiving such important notifications.
¨ Security and Fraud Prevention: To protect individuals, employees and HoneyCare, avoid losses, and prevent fraud, including protection for the interests of all users individuals, employees, and HoneyCare, as well as pre-screen or scan uploaded content against potentially illegal content, including child sexual exploitation material.
¨ Legal Compliance: To comply with applicable laws, such as to comply with tax or reporting obligations, or to comply with legal government requests. HoneyCare will not use algorithms or data profiling to make any decision that materially affects you without human review. HoneyCare will only collect as necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected (including those described in this Privacy Policy or Service-Specific Privacy Statement, or as required by law) to retain personal data. We will do so for the purposes of this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Summary for our specific services.
Retain your personal data for the necessary period mentioned above. When assessing the retention period, we first carefully examine whether it is necessary to retain the personal data collected. If retention is required, we will endeavour to minimize the retention period of personal data to the extent permitted by law.
HoneyCare's sharing of personal data
HoneyCare may associate with HoneyCare affiliates, service providers acting on our behalf, our partners, developers and publishers or other people you designate share personal data. In addition, HoneyCare will not share personal data with third parties for their marketing purposes.
Service Providers: HoneyCare may appoint third parties to act as our service providers to perform certain tasks on our behalf, such as processing or storage Data, including personal data, related to your use of our services and the delivery of products to customers. HoneyCare's service providers are obligated to comply with this privacy Policy and our instructions to process personal data, personal data we share shall not be used privately, and must be deleted after fulfilling our request.
Delete or return personal data.
¨ Partners: From time to time, HoneyCare may partner with third parties to provide services or other products. HoneyCare will require partners to protect your personal data.
¨ Other. HoneyCare may share personal data with others at your instruction or with your consent, such as sharing information with telecommunications providers to enable your account number. We may also disclose your personal information when deemed necessary and appropriate based on national security, law enforcement or other important public issues, people information. We may also enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users, or as a result of a reorganization, merger or sale, disclose your relevant information when it is legally warranted and determined to be reasonably necessary.
Personal Data Protection at HoneyCare
HoneyCare believes that a high degree of privacy depends on a high degree of security. We take into account the nature of personal data and processing and the threat posed by legal, technical and physical safeguards to protect your personal data. We are committed to improving such safeguards to keep personal data secure.
For more information, see our HoneyCare Platform Security Guide.
Cookies and other technologies
HoneyCare websites, online services, interactive applications and advertisements may use "cookies" and other technologies such as web beacons. Such techniques can help us better understand user behavior, including for security and fraud prevention purposes, by telling us which parts of the website users have viewed, and to promote and measure the effectiveness of advertising and web search.
¨ Communication cookies: These cookies are used to enable network traffic to and from HoneyCare's systems, including to help us detect errors.
¨ Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are required to provide the specific function or service you access or request. For example, when you buy online at HoneyCare.com. It allows us to display our website in the correct format and language, verify and confirm your transaction, and preserve the contents of your shopping bag when you purchase it.
¨ Other cookies: These cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with our website and online services, including to help us evaluate advertising and the benefits of web search. HoneyCare also uses these cookies to remember choices you make while browsing in order to provide you with a tailored experience test.
If you would like HoneyCare not to use cookies, we have a way to disable cookies. To disable cookies and you are using Safari web browser, please select "Block all cookies" in Safari's privacy settings. The vendor asks how to disable cookies. Some features of the HoneyCare website may not be available if all cookies are disabled.
In addition to cookies, HoneyCare also uses other technologies to assist us in achieving similar goals. Some of HoneyCare's emails provide "click-through URLs" that link to HoneyCare's website content. When you press such a URL, It will first pass through an independent network server, and then reach the destination network of our website. We track such click-through data to assist in determining. Users' attention to a particular topic and measure the effectiveness of our communication with you. If you do not wish to be tracked in this way, do not press an image or text link to the email message.
HoneyCare generally treats information collected through cookies and similar technologies as non-personal information. However, if local law restricts the Internet (IP) address or other similar identifying information identified as personal data, we also treat it as personal data in these territories. also, HoneyCare sometimes combines non-personal data collected through such technologies with other personal data held by HoneyCare. merge in this way When collecting data, we will treat the combined data as personal data within the meaning of this Privacy Policy.
International transfers of personal data
HoneyCare products and solutions connect you with the world. To use this feature, entities around the world (including HoneyCare-related businesses) may transmit or to access your personal information to perform processing activities related to your use of our products and services as described in this Privacy Policy. HoneyCare will comply with national regulations regarding the transfer of personal data between countries or regions to ensure that data is protected wherever you are.
Company-wide commitment to protecting your privacy
To keep your personal data safe, we communicate the company's privacy and security guidelines to HoneyCare employees and strictly enforce them within the company. Implement privacy protection measures.
Privacy concerns
HoneyCare takes your privacy issues seriously and assigns a dedicated team to handle your inquiries to determine how to properly answer your questions or concerns, include questions in response to access or download requests. In most cases, all primary contacts will receive a response within 7 days. but sometimes we may need additional information, or let us know that we need more time to respond. If your complaint points to room for improvement in how we handle privacy issues, we will take action to make changes at the next reasonable opportunity Enter. If you or someone else is negatively affected by a privacy issue, we will take action to deal with the situation with you or the other person.
If you are not satisfied with HoneyCare's response, you may appeal to the competent supervisory authority. If you request, we will endeavour to provide you according to your individual circumstances. Provides information on grievance channels that may be applicable.
If there are major changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post a notice on this website at least one week in advance; if we have your information, we will contact you directly to inform you of relevant matters.